Pulito - Cleaning Services

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Theme Beschreibung

Pulito - ist ein modernes & einzigartiges WordPress-Theme, das für...



Das Theme lässt sich mit Übersetzungsplugins (z.B. LocoTranslate) recht einfach auf deutsch übersetzen.

In der Demo verwendete Plugins

  • Unyson

Theme Beschreibung (Original)

Pulito - is a modern & unique WordPress theme suitable for cleaning companies. No matter how big or small your cleaning service business is, Pulito would be a great solution for quick starting your next corporate website. It has many carefully crafted shortcodes spiced with amazing parallax effects and on-scroll animations. The theme is 100% responsive and it is optimized for maximum performance thanks to CSS3 animations and optimized JS code. Pulito is supplied with an extensive documentation with a quick start guide so you can easily setup your brand new website in just a few steps. Take your cleaning companybusiness to the next level with Pulito!...

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